2020 is coming to an end.

This year has been marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, which had - and continues to have - enormous repercussions on everyone, from our social lives to the well-being of society as a whole, including the health of our businesses and of our economy, which have been deeply affected by the consequences of this health crisis. In 2020, more than ever, the employees of the Chamber of Commerce were committed to helping businesses navigate these disruptions.

Overview of the year 2020

We informed, advised and assisted companies affected by COVID-19
Since mid-March, 14,000 entrepreneurs have been advised by the COVID-19 Business Helpline. By calling 42 39 39 330, companies affected by the pandemic can find someone to listen to them and receive concrete answers on state and public aid set up by the authorities. The Chamber of Commerce also has a website where all useful information for companies and their managers is organised by theme.
We financially supported companies affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
No less than 454 specific guarantees were granted by the Mutualité de Cautionnement in the form of a guarantee. By adapting its request analysis process, the Chamber of Commerce reduced its response time to 48 hours in order to ensure business continuity during this difficult period.
Together, we prepared your crisis exit plans
216 entrepreneurs took part in the #ReAct programme launched on 20 April, during the lockdown, to enable companies to cope with a drop in their economic activity and to help them define and implement their recovery strategy.
We facilitated the temporary loan of labour
537 matches were established thanks to Jobswitch, the platform created in partnership with the clc, the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of the Economy and ADEM to connect companies in need of manpower with people on unemployment, partially unemployed, or self-employed and looking for work.
Despite the pandemic, we ensured that the legal framework remain favourable to businesses
More than 300 Grand-Ducal draft laws and regulations were analysed in terms of their potential impact on Luxembourg companies with particular attention paid to the measures put in place by the government to manage the COVID-19 crisis.
We proposed a recovery plan
To help the country get back on its feet, we identified 5 levers to create the conditions for a sustainable recovery that is profitable for the majority of those concerned. The concrete ideas proposed by the Chamber of Commerce were consulted 180.000 times on social media.
We kept an eye on companies to better help them
By conducting a member survey from 8 to 15 April, we measured precisely how Luxembourg companies experienced the crisis and collected their suggestions and proposals.
Two Barometers of the Economy (Baromètre de l’Economie), published in French in June and November, highlighted the problems and challenges facing businesses.
We defended the interests of Luxembourg companies at the European Union
Our Brussels Office has continuously advocated for a fully functional and unhindered internal market, especially in the context of the Covid-19 crisis.
We promoted arbitration
New arbitration rules, which entered into force on 1 January 2020, aim to increase the efficiency of the arbitration process and meet the new expectations of the parties concerned. Thus, more differences between professionals can find a satisfactory outcome, in all confidentiality and discretion.
We adapted our range of services for companies wanting to grow internationally
We digitalised our internationalisation support services in order to continue to help companies develop their business in foreign markets. More specifically, we organised 16 webinars, 3 e-missions, 3 e-events and 3 national pavilions at digital fairs.
We offered training tailored to the needs of companies and their employees
In accordance with the health measures imposed by the pandemic, the House of Training and ISEC welcomed nearly 20,000 people in 880 training courses.
We guided companies
With the launch of our new collection of practical guides, we now regularly offer companies useful information on themes and challenges frequently encountered in their daily lives. All presented in a comprehensible, instructive way and illustrated. The first two topics covered were apprenticeship and e-commerce.
We launched the Startup Corner podcast
Our House of Startups launched, in partnership with SCRIPT (Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation Pedagogiques et Technologiques), the Startup Corner podcast about the startup ecosystem and innovation in Luxembourg.
In the first episode, Philippe Linster, CEO of the House of Startups, talks to Tom Michels and Samuel Faber from Salonkee about their company, their professional and educational backgrounds and their challenges ahead.
We placed CSR at the heart of our activities
The Chamber of Commerce's first CSR Report, illustrating its contribution to sustainable development, was published in French in September. The Chamber of Commerce was once again labeled a ‘Socially Responsible Company’ (Entreprise socialement responsible, ESR) by the INDR and launched a Sustainable Development Working Group with around twenty business leaders from the Industry, Transport, Banking and Insurance sectors.
We prepared our companies for Brexit
Despite the pandemic, the world is moving forward and changes are coming. To meet these changes, we launched a new website dedicated to Brexit that provides businesses with all the information they need to best prepare for it.
We also created an economic and commercial attaché position in London aimed at developing economic relations with the UK.

In these difficult and uncertain times, we nevertheless wish you a happy end of the year and a new year of success, health and happiness in 2021.

We are looking forward to continuing to work together, while respecting the ongoing health restrictions, and urge you to take care of yourself and your loved ones as we move forward! Together, we will succeed in overcoming the difficulties at hand and in meeting the challenges of the future.

If you want to know more about the Chamber of Commerce and its activities, visit our website, subscribe to our newsletter or consult our new institutional brochure.