Country seminar: Belarus

Thursday 20 Jun 2019

Conférence / séminaire

Thursday 20 Jun 2019


Chambre de Commerce

On June 20th 2019, the Chamber of Commerce of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Embassy of Belarus to Luxembourg and Belgium will organize a country seminar on the various business opportunities in Belarus. This event is held in preparation of the upcoming trade mission to Minsk, organized by the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce from November 6th to 8th, 2019. The Belarusian delegation will be headed by the Deputy Minister of Economy of Belarus, Mr. Dmitry Yaroshevich and Deputy Minister of Finance of Belarus Mr. Belkovec.

Belarus is a country with the population of about 10 million people and the territory of 207.000 square kilometers located in the geographical center of Europe, bordering Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia.

Due to the country's membership in the Eurasian Economic Union, goods from Belarus move freely to Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Armenia (as goods do within the EU). In addition, goods produced in Belarus can be imported without customs duties to Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Serbia, and Vietnam. Free Trade Agreements with Egypt, Israel, India, Iran and Singapore are being negotiated.

Belarus keeps improving its business climate. According to the latest World Bank "Ease of Doing Business" rating, Belarus ranks 37th, ahead of Switzerland (38), Japan (39), and Italy (51). Belarus occupies the 29th place in the "starting business" parameter, is 25th when it comes to trading across borders and 5th on registering property.

Thanks to its new ICT legislation, the Belarusian High-Tech Park unites 388 companies that develop software products and provide ICT services to customers from more than 67 countries of the world. Residents of the Park account for 2 % of the country's GDP. Today the Industrial Park "Great Stone" located on the "Belt and Road Initiative" from China to EU represents about $ 1 billion of investment with more than 40 resident companies and partners.

Belarus allows a visa-free regime of up to 30 days for citizens of 74 countries including Luxembourg.

The seminar, open to all sectors of activity, will also include a presentation of the Belarusian economy, useful advices and tips for investors, as well as testimonials from Luxembourg companies active in Belarus, which can constitute interesting benchmarks for Luxembourg companies that would like to develop their business in the country. Investment needs are still enormous in this ever-expanding market and there are many opportunities, be it for innovation, research, ICT, tourism or the industry.

Draft Programme:

  • 15.30 - 16.00 Registration

  • 16:00 - 16:05 Welcoming speech by the Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg

  • 16:05 - 17:00 Overview of Belarus's economic situation presented by the:
  • 17:00 - 17:30 Testimonial Speeches of Luxembourg-based companies that are already active in Belarus

  • 17.30 - 17.40 Q & A session

  • 17.40 - 17.45 Closing Remarks

  • 17:45 Networking Reception

In order to participate, you are kindly requested to duly complete the linked registration form no later than June 18th, 2019.

For further information about this upcoming event, feel free to contact Steven Koener from International Affairs (tel: 42 39 39 - 379;