The Chamber of Commerce regularly adapts its strategic vision to take into account changes in the economic world and the needs of businesses.
CC2025 : a holistic and participatory approach
In this respect, the Chamber of Commerce embarked in 2017 on a new process of reflection through a holistic and participatory approach, including businesses, the elected members making up its plenary assembly, its employees as well as professional federations and associations. A broad consultation was conducted through a strategic orientation survey carried out among all member companies, to identify, in a bottom-up approach, the expectations of business leaders towards the Chamber of Commerce.
The CC2025 strategy summarises the result of this important work of reflection and consultation and presents the values, vision, mission and strategic and operational objectives of the Chamber of Commerce up to 2025.
Discover the Strategy Refresh, a milestone review ahead of the CC2025 Strategy’s final phase. This initiative aimed to ensure the continued relevance of CC2025’s strategic direction in order to pave the way for the future.
Meeting the major challenges of the future
In the CC2025 Strategy, the Chamber of Commerce takes into account international megatrends, European socio-economic changes and new challenges specific to Luxembourg.
Continuous access to a qualified workforce, a real driver of economic development, is a crucial issue for generating future innovations and ensuring sustainable growth. In addition to attracting talent, the development of skills through effective vocational training is a lever for action that the Chamber of Commerce will further strengthen in the years to come. Digitalisation, which is already disrupting societal and business models, will continue to transform the economy in the years to come and will be in the Chamber of Commerce's focus by 2025, both on a macroeconomic level and in terms of promoting and supporting businesses. As Luxembourg's economy is largely open to foreign markets, priority will also be given to the continued development of economic promotion and internationalisation activities for companies.
Our strategic priorities
Internally, the priority actions revolve around 1. the digitalisation of the internal functioning and the tools for interaction with the Chamber of Commerce's stakeholders, 2. the development of the "Chamber of Commerce Group" through an optimised alignment between the various entities and initiatives and 3. the expansion of exchange and communication with member companies.
By implementing all these means, the Chamber of Commerce intends to remain the reliable, recognised and committed partner it has always been for Luxembourg companies, professional federations and associations, the government and the general public.