Cyber Security – from strategic awareness to operative actions.

Thursday 14 Apr 2016

Conférence / séminaire

Thursday 14 Apr 2016

09H30 - 12H30

Chamber of Commerce

The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, Business Sweden – The Swedish Trade & Invest Council and the Embassy of Sweden to Luxembourg organise a seminar discussing mutual challenges related to cyber security in the framework of the visit of a Swedish delegation composed of cyber security companies to Luxembourg.

This seminar will be held on Thursday, 14th of April 2016 from 9:30 to 12:30 at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (7, rue Alcide de Gasperi, L-1615 Luxembourg) and will be followed by a networking lunch and B2B meetings from 13:30 to 16:30.

With reports of high-profile cyber-attacks making almost daily headlines, the need for adequate and concrete solutions are on everybody’s agenda. Governments and businesses are taking the cyber security challenges more seriously than ever. With this rising awareness, cyber risks are increasingly being tackled on the highest strategic level.

The seminar is a direct continuation of last year’s event “Cyber Security Challenge” on the importance of looking at cyber security as a strategic issue. The next step then – having become a high-level discussion – is how to translate strategic awareness into concrete operational actions. The objective is to accentuate the challenges of cyber security and to stimulate an exchange of knowledge and experiences between Luxembourg and Sweden during a panel discussion of experts. The Swedish delegation, composed of the following companies, will also present their innovative solutions during a session of case presentations: Advenica, BehavioSec, Outpost24, Comex Electronics and Saab AB, Combitech. Luxembourg companies will have the opportunity to meet with the Swedish delegates during the B2B meetings which will be organised in the afternoon.

In case of interest, kindly return the registration form available on this page at your earliest convenience and no later than Tuesday, April 12th, 2016 to the International Affairs of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (Contact person: Ms Sabrina Aksil; email:; Phone: +352 42 39 39 - 374/310).