EBAN Winter Summit 2018

Monday 22 Oct 2018 > Tuesday 23 Oct 2018


Monday 22 Oct 2018 > Tuesday 23 Oct 2018

BGL BNP Paribas, Luxembourg-Kirchberg

Business angels are a major source of venture capital financing. As part of a broad interconnected investment community, they help to fill a gap that lies between seed capital, later stage investments and financial institutions. Public support is also part of the game and blended finance is essential to mitigate risks and unlock the potential of private capital towards a more sustainable and innovative world. Let's bring all these forces together!

What Is EBAN Summit All About?
EBAN Winter Summit is the leading European initiative which highlights the most impactful best practices, presents and debates the most relevant topics in the early stage investment sector and gathers a community highly committed to investing in European startups.

More information and registration on: https://www.eban-luxembourg-2018.com/