EU-Africa B2B Forum

Wednesday 6 May 2015 > Friday 8 May 2015


Wednesday 6 May 2015 > Friday 8 May 2015

09:00 - 18:00

Mons International Congress Xperience - Mons (B)

The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce is proud to promote as a partner of the EU-Africa Chamber of Commerce, the EU-Africa B2B Forum, a business event, which aims to bring together African and European professionals of the business world to discuss opportunities, expectations and needs.

The EU-Africa B2B Forum will provide an adequate framework for exchanges and will enable contacts between professionals from African and European private sectors, but also between European businesses themselves.

Further information can be found and registration can be made on the official website of the EU-Africa B2B Forum.

For further details about the Luxembourg delegation to this event, please feel free to contact International Affairs (Contact: Daniel Sahr – daniel.sahr(a) - Phone: (+352) 42 39 39 313)