Fail, Learn, Succeed

Tuesday 11 Nov 2014

Conference / seminar

Tuesday 11 Nov 2014


Casino Luxembourg, Musée d'Art Contemporain

After the success of the first event, Fail2Succeed with the support of the Chamber of Commerce, is planning another evening debate named Fail Learn Succeed under the motto:

"Only one thing makes a dream impossible: the fear of failure"

Paulo Coelho

It will be opened by Mrs. Francine CLOSENER, Secretary of State for Economy.

Entrepreneurship boosts economic growth, creates jobs and wealth.

This is the reason why the European Commission launched early 2013 a plan to stimulate entrepreneurship in Europe where only 11% are entrepreneurs compared to over 50% in the United States and China.

And if the entrepreneurial mindset is linked with the culture of risk which implies uncertainty and failure?

Having an entrepreneurial culture means willingness to take risks during one's entrepreneurial lifetime. Indeed, to jump in and navigate through globalized and turbulent seas, you have to be able to challenge yourself, to be on alert for new opportunities, to learn from mistakes in order to get back to your feet and bounce back, which are the core skills of an entrepreneur in this 21st century.

The aim of such a conference is to share experiences of entrepreneurs and present failure as opportunity to learn and grow, with around a hundred participants coming from all parts of the Greater Region.

5 speakers of all ages, each with a unique background and a moderator will discuss about their failures, and how they overcome the hurdles to finally achieve their goals.

Organizing team:
