I'm creating my company

Friday 27 Apr 2018 > Saturday 28 Apr 2018

Conférence / séminaire

Friday 27 Apr 2018 > Saturday 28 Apr 2018

Chambre de Commerce du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Seminar organized by Fondation des Universitaires en Sciences Economiques (FUSE - Esprit d’Entreprise) and Indian Business Chamber of Luxembourg

Here’s how to FINALLY start your own business

Starting your own business is one of the most powerful ways to take control of your life. Many individuals actually dream about starting their own company. The Luxembourgish government has provided legal frameworks which allow solopreneurs and micro companies to launch their activities with a minimum of financial resources and in a record time. However, not everybody dares making the first step. Are you among those hesitating? Do you think you do not have enough money? Are you scared of the workload? Is somebody holding you back? You’re having a hard time finding an idea? You’re afraid of failure?

If you answer any of the previous questions with a “yes”, then “I’m creating my company” is the right seminar for you. The program is intended not only to give you a concrete idea of what steps solo entrepreneurs and micro companies should take, but also for you to be able to connect with people who can help you on your way to entrepreneurship. The little plus? A paper handbook is distributed to all the participants with useful information and contact details so that you’re fully equipped to take action.

Fuse (Fondation des Universitaires en Sciences Economiques) – Esprit d’entreprise and IBCL (Indian Business Chamber Luxembourg) are partnering together in order to provide a state of the art seminar in English to all those who wonder how and where to start their entrepreneurship venture. There will be a simultaneous translation into French available.

In fact, Fuse has been a pioneer in providing training and assistance to future entrepreneurs for the past two decades. Actually, more than 1700 people have followed this seminar over the past 17 editions.

The speakers are professionals who are eager to volunteer and give their time to share their knowledge about different aspects related to set up your company. Entrepreneurs will be present to share their experiences and inspire you to start your own project.

Starting on Friday 27 April at 16h00 and finishing on Saturday 28 April at 13h00, the seminar allows working individuals to attend both 4 hours workshops and enjoy the networking cocktail offered by the Chamber of Commerce.

Having questions about how to launch your company is normal. Finding the right answer and the spare partner to help you walk towards your goal is our aim.

Registrations and detailed programme on : http://www.objectif-entreprise.lu/ or www.ibcl.lu