Innovating for sustainable logistics and supply chains across the Atlantic

Thursday 20 Jan 2022

Développement d'entreprises

Thursday 20 Jan 2022


Do not miss this excellent opportunity to network with our distinguished panelists, partners and guests from Canada, Belgium, Luxembourg and The Netherlands. 

Official Agenda & Panel

Webinar (4:45 pm – 6:15 pm Brussels time) :

Welcome by Frédéric Agneessens, Chairman of CanCham BeLux

Roundtable discussions with :

Q & A

As from 6:15 pm, optimize your participation and develop your partnerships within the Canada – Benelux ecosystem : create your company profile and schedule your own individual meetings with our speakers or any other attendees during our virtual one-to-one networking session via our dedicated platform.


The event is free of charge.

Technical details to join the event and instructions for the B2B virtual session will be provided after registration confirmation.

Registration here

The event is organized by CanCham Belux. Registration is possible via the website form by CanCham Belux