Invitation to participate in the Fit4International - Pitch& Deck: Essential Tips to nailing your presentation

Thursday 29 Apr 2021

Chambres de Commerce - International

Thursday 29 Apr 2021

Thursday 29th April 2021

The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and its Enterprise Europe Network, in collaboration with the House of Startups and Luxinnovation, will organise a pitch training programme “FIT4International – Pitch& Deck: Essential Tips to nailing your presentation” on 29th April from 10.30 am to 03.30 pm. This dedicated programme is aimed at training innovative startups and companies to deliver a winning pitch at trade fairs and events whilst also focusing on developing an engaging pitch deck.

The training will be interactive and address the following topics:

  • Tailoring the pitch to the audience while taking the objective into account
  • Building the storyline creatively using The Pitch Canvas©
  • Practicing technics on how to create an impactful opening and closing
  • Power Of Three – making the story focused and memorable
  • Ensuring feedback at the end of the pitch from the audience

The session will conclude with its final goal of delivering of a 2-minute pitch in groups and will also touch upon the aspect of making online presentations and creating a winning pitch video.

The training will be organised by David Beckett of the company Best 3 Minutes.

David Beckett is an international pitch coach, who has trained over 1,400 Startups to win over €340 million in investment, working with Accelerators such as Startupbootcamp, Rockstart, ThinkAccelerate and MassChallenge. David is a specialist in helping startups from one country pitch in another - such as over 100 Dutch start-ups pitching in the USA, and teams form Startup Portugal to pitch at WebSummit. He has also trained more than 20,000 professionals at companies such as, Tommy Hilfiger, ING, PwC and Google in more than 30 countries, as well as over 30 TEDx speakers. David is the creator of The Pitch Canvas© and the author of the book “Pitch To Win”

The training will also provide a selection of material for each participant, including the slides, pitch tip cards, David’s PitchProfessional app, an online course to remind of the tools learned in the workshop and the audiobook of David’s book “Pitch To Win”. 

The participation in the training is offered by the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce free of charge and is exclusively open to startups (creation date: 2016 >). Only 20 places are available! To register for the FIT4International - Pitch & Deck training, please click on the following link:
Participation conditions & Cancelation Policy:
Participation in the pitch training is free of charge. In order to avoid last minute cancelations, a cancellation fee of EUR 100 will be charged to companies who cancel their participation after 20th April.

The International Affairs team of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and its Enterprise Europe Network remain at your entire disposal for any further information and assistance (Ms Amrita Singh / Ms Annelore Domingos; +352 42 39 39 377 / +352 42 39 39 378;