Official Mission to South Korea

Saturday 26 Nov 2022 > Thursday 1 Dec 2022

Mission économique
Commerce extérieur
Go International

Saturday 26 Nov 2022 > Thursday 1 Dec 2022



The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, in close cooperation with the Ministry of the Economy, Luxinnovation, the Luxembourg Embassy in Tokyo, the Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office-Seoul and the Luxembourg Space Agency, will organise a multi-sectoral official trade mission to South Korea from 26 November to 1 December 2022.

The delegation will be headed by H.R.H. the Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg, and led by H.E. Mr Franz Fayot, Minister of the Economy, and Mr Carlo Thelen, CEO of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.

The mission will focus on the following sectors: Smart City, Smart Mobility and Space. 

When? 26 November – 1 December 2022​​​​​​

Where? Seoul, Sejong/Daejeon, Busan, Asan.


The official trade mission will include: 


  • Korea New Space Forum
  • B2B meetings
  • South Korea-Luxembourg Business Forum
  • Official networking reception
  • Visit of Seoul Smart City
  • Networking event with Korea International Trade Association (KITA)


  • Visit of the national pilot Smart City
  • Visit of companies active in the Space sector
  • Networking event with Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)


  • Visit of Techno Park and/or Busan Center for Creative Economy & Innovation
  • Visit of Kiswire Headquarter, Wire Museum and F1963
  • Networking event 


  • Guided visit and inauguration of Rotarex new plant 

Interested? Please register before 14 October 2022