Official Mission to Portugal

Tuesday 10 May 2022 > Friday 13 May 2022

Mission économique
Commerce extérieur
Go International

Tuesday 10 May 2022 > Friday 13 May 2022

The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, in close cooperation with the Ministry of the Economy and the Embassy of Luxembourg in Portugal, will organise an Official Mission to Portugal.

The interest of Luxembourgish companies for Portugal is growing stronger every year. Despite consistent positive import/export growth between the two countries, there is still a lot of untapped collaboration potential in the fields of Sustainability, ICT, Tourism, Space, Finance, and many more. Exploring this potential is on the agenda of this upcoming mission. 

  • When? 10th to 13th May 2022 
  • For which sectors? Sustainability, ICT, Tourism, Space, Finance
  • Interested? Please register before 15 April 2022

Please click on the button below to discover the provisional agenda of this mission.


If you wish to participate, you are kindly requested to complete the dedicated registration form. Please register using the button below. Each participant must be registered individually.