ONLINE WORKSHOP : Go Digital - Facebook & Instagram advertising in 2020 - ENG

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Gagner de nouveaux clients

Wednesday 20 May 2020

12:00 PM to 2:00 PM


Regarding the growing risk of the COVID-19 virus spreading, we are obliged to offer all of our workshops digitally. All workshops planned at the House of Entrepreneurship will only be accessible online and will take place at the same time as planned.

You will have the possibility to access this workshop, directly via your computer.

The speaker with a microphone will share his screen so that you can view the presentation live.

The Go Digital team will send you the link to watch the workshop online.


Click here to sign up for free !

Level 2

Practical workshop: Spotlight on the digital tool & demo.


About the workshop :

You will learn how to run high performance ads on Facebook and Instagram. 

  • Why is it important to use the Facebook Business Manager
  • Important Vocabulary (Campaign, Ad Set, Custom Audience, CPM, CPC, Pixel, …,)
  • How to set up Facebook, Business Manager and the Facebook Pixel
  • Create a marketing strategy and funnel. Identify strategic KPIs 
  • What content performances best for your business. (Pictures, Videos, Articles etc)
  • How to create content and which tools to use 
  • Build a great campaign that performs


Who is it for ?

From beginner to expert. Anyone that has a business and wants to know how to do digital marketing in 2020.


What you will learn ?

In this workshop, you will learn all the basics of the Facebook Business Manager which is essential to running ads on Facebook and Instagram. You will learn how to set up ads that perform well. Get an introduction in the definition of a strategy with real life examples. What content should I use for my ad and how do I set up the ad in ads manager, according to my goals. Get to know all the tips and tricks that you need to run successful campaigns.



Go Digital, un programme développé par la House of Entrepreneurship de la Chambre de Commerce.





House of Entrepreneurship – One-Stop Shop

14, rue Erasme, L-1468 Luxembourg


T: (+352) 42 39 39 - 840


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