ONLINE WORKSHOP - How to reboot your digital marketing strategy in 2021 ? - ENG

Wednesday 27 Jan 2021

Améliorer ma visibilité et e-réputation
Gagner de nouveaux clients

Wednesday 27 Jan 2021

12:00 PM to 2:00 PM



Click here to sign up for free !

What will you learn?

You will learn the newest digital marketing trends in 2021 and how to evaluate which strategies make sense for your business in order to implement them in your own communication strategy.


Who is it for?

B2B and B2C businesses who are looking for new ways to raise their brand awareness in 2021 and to improve their digital communication with leads and clients in general.


About the workshop:

You have a general idea about digital marketing but you want to learn the newest trends in 2021 and how you can utilize them for your own business? Feel free to join this workshop and to ask personal questions at the Q&A session towards the end of the presentation.


Workshop offered by the House of Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce.

This workshop is organized in collaboration with the coworking space Silversquare ( ).



House of Entrepreneurship

14, rue Erasme, L-1468 Luxembourg


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