#RevivingEurope - Shaping Europe's Recovery

Tuesday 12 Oct 2021 > Thursday 14 Oct 2021


Tuesday 12 Oct 2021 > Thursday 14 Oct 2021

EUROCHAMBRES invites to the Reviving Europe series of online events.

From 12 to 14 October, an opening high-level panel and 7 thematic sessions will enable an exchange of views and opinions on some of the key policy levers at the EU’s disposal to drive the economic recovery and, in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe, provide concrete ideas about the type of Europe that businesses want.

These online events will take the format of a panel with Q&As where participants will have the opportunity to pose questions and contribute to the debate with senior EU policymakers and Chamber representatives.

The European business community and interested stakeholders from the EU policy sphere are welcome to join these interactive discussions.


  • An Entrepreneurial Future of Europe
  • Making businesses fit for 55
  • A resilient labour market for a reviving economy
  • Corporate due diligence: opportunities and challenges for SMEs
  • A dynamic single market for an economic revival
  • Artificial Intelligence as a driver of the recovery
  • Key factors for recovery in the Western Balkans, Turkey and the Eastern Partnership countries

Registration & Programme