Smart Secure ICT and Technical Standardization

Tuesday 19 Mar 2019

Conférence / séminaire

Tuesday 19 Mar 2019

from 09:30 to 11:30

ILNAS (5ème étage), Southlane Tower 1, 1, avenue du Swing L-4367 Belvaux

As a keystone support for the economy of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector is becoming ubiquitous. Technological advances over the last few decades have opened up new opportunities for development. However, this goes hand in hand with the emergence of new risks. In this frame, technical standardization can help to define good practices and technical solutions to address these concerns.

In this context, ILNAS invites the national stakeholders to a breakfast on Tuesday 19 March 2019, from 09:30 to 11:30, to provide information regarding normative developments in the Smart Secure ICT area. It will focus on various Smart ICT technologies, such as Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Blockchain & Distributed Ledgers and Artificial Intelligence, while addressing issues of digital trust associated with the adoption of these technologies.



09:30 – 09:40

Reception of participants

09:40 – 09:50

Technical Standardization & Smart Secure ICT outlook

Dr. Jean-Philippe HUMBERT - ILNAS

09:50 – 10:05

Presentation of the Standards Analysis - Smart Secure ICT Luxembourg


10:05 – 11:05

Standardization in the ICT sector

§ Cloud Computing - Dr. Johnatan PECERO - GIE ANEC

§ Internet of Things - Dr. Shyam WAGLE - GIE ANEC

§ Blockchain & Distributed Ledgers - Dr. Michael WINTERS - GIE ANEC

§ Artificial Intelligence - Ms. Natalia CASSAGNES - GIE ANEC

11:05 – 11:10

How to become a Delegate in Technical Standardization?


11:10 – 11:30

Questions and open discussion


The registration is mandatory for this event as places are limited. We invite you to confirm your attendance by Thursday, March 14, 2019.

E-Mail :
Tél : (+352) 247 743 - 70
Fax : (+352) 247 943 – 70


ILNAS (5ème étage)
Southlane Tower 1
1, avenue du Swing
L-4367 Belvaux