Go International

Thursday 4 Mar 2021


Online via Zoom


Luxembourg Trade & Invest, invites you to join them for the webinar

Go International: BELGIUM

to be hosted by the Trade and Commerce Attaché based at the Luxembourg Embassy in Brussels and to be held online on Thursday March 4, 2021 16:00-17:15 CET via Zoom.

The event is part of a series of webinars introducing the Luxembourg Trade & Invest network around the globe and presenting their services as well as business opportunities for Luxembourg companies in their respective markets.

This webinar is organised with the kind support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium in Luxembourg and the Verbond van Belgische Ondernemingen - Fédération des Entreprises de Belgique (VBO-FEB).



Welcoming words
H.E. Arlette Conzemius, Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Belgium
Cindy Tereba, Director International Affairs, Chamber of Commerce


Introduction of Luxembourg’s support network in Belgium
Daniel Sahr, Trade and Commerce Attaché at the Luxembourg Embassy in Brussels and point of contact for Luxembourgish companies interested in the Belgian Market



General presentation of the Belgian Economy and Market specificities
Emmanuelle de Foy, First Counsellor, Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium in Luxembourg



Presentation of the Belgian Logistics Sector
Sofie Brutsaert, Adviser Competence Centre Energy, Climate & Mobility, VBO-FEB


Thomas Bosmans, Portfolio Manager, WDP - warehouses with brains




Closing remarks
Daniel Sahr, Trade and Commerce Attaché at the Luxembourg Embassy in Brussels

Please register online to join the webinar.

The Zoom Link will be sent to you together with your registration confirmation.
The deadline for online registration is March 2, 2021.

Kindly note that in the framework of this series of webinars, you can take advantage of a video consultation with the market experts from the Luxembourg Trade & Invest Network and the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce. You can find more details and register here to set up your online appointment.

The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce remains at your full disposal for any further information (Contact person: Claudine Otto / Daniel Sahr - Tel.: +352 621 162 758 / +352 621 235 828 - Email: claudine.otto@cc.lu / daniel.sahr@cc.lu).