Conférence / séminaire
Go International

Tuesday 15 Dec 2020



On 15 December 2020, the CBL-ACP, AWEX and the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce will host a webinar on a topic of interest to economic operators in Africa: The current economic and geopolitical situation in Rwanda. The webinar will be held in French and English. The participation is free of charge but registration is compulsory. Please register here. Here’s the webinar’s program:

  • Welcome : M. Guy Bultynck, Chairman CBL-ACP
  • Introduction by M. Thierry Lienart, Head of Bilateral Section Rwanda and M. Geoffrey van Runckelen, Permanent Representative of CBL-ACP in Rwanda
  • Welcome speech : Mrs Cindy Tereba - Director International Affairs -  Chambre de Commerce du Luxembourg
  • I. Presentation of the country and the relationship between Rwanda and Belgium/Luxembourg :
    M. Eric Santkin,Conseiller économique et commercial, représentant de l’AWEX – HUB Brussels – FIT 
  • II. Rwanda's Economic Situation
  • III. Main ongoing and future developments
    • Energy
    • Infrastructure / Transit
    • Production / Assembly
  • IV. The position of Belgium and Luxembourg
  • V. How do private operators experience the Rwandan market?
    • M. Renaud Blavier, CEO UNIBRA
    • M. Eric Heselmans, Directeur Général Sonatubes Kigali succ.du Groupe De Cock
    • M. Thijs Boer, Founder and General Manager WINNAZ,
    • M. Jean Charles WIBIN, BELEX
    • Me Damien Conem, Partner at Liedekerke
    • Madame Alissia Leonora, Credendo
    • Nrs. Dominique Delarche, CEO Uption S.A.
    • M. Carl Deroanne, Founder and CEO DrivenBy
  • VI. Questions & Anwers”