Building bridges and networking for a decade - The Business Club Luxembourg-Germany celebrates its birthday

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From left to right: Axel Gränitz, President BCLD; Dr. Franziska Brantner, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection; Franz Fayot, Minister of Economy of Luxembourg; II.KK.HH. Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie; Cindy Tereba, Head of International, Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce; Julie Jacobs, Managing Director BCLD; Carlo Thelen, CEO, Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce; State Secretary Ana-Maria Trasnea; Jean-Paul Senninger, Ambassador of Luxembourg in Berlin

On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the Business Club Luxembourg-Germany (BCLD) invited to a gala event in Berlin on 6 October 2022. Founded in 2012 on the initiative of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and the Luxembourg Embassy in the German capital, the business club based in Germany has become the leading networking platform for companies from both countries.

Together with the guests of honour II.KK.HH. Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie as well as Luxembourg's Minister of Economic Affairs Franz Fayot, this success was celebrated in Berlin's historic Meistersaal and the club was honoured for its commitment to promoting trade relations. "Business seminars, gala dinners and even trade missions are indeed only the tip of the iceberg of a flourishing trade relationship between two neighbouring and friendly states," said HRH Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume. However, he added, it was the everyday exchanges between the people of these countries that filled this essential German-Luxembourgian relationship with life. Axel Gränitz, founding member and President of the BCLD, also emphasised the friendly cooperation in his speech and thanked all member companies and partners for their many years of trust.

The club's success proves it right: in the meantime, further bilateral networks based on the German-Luxembourgian model have been founded in France (Paris/Marseille), Belgium (Brussels) and Great Britain (London).


Mrs. Julie Jacobs
Managing Director
Business Club Luxembourg-Germany e.V.
Klingelhöferstraße 7, 10785 Berlin |

Copyright ©Business Club Luxemburg-Deutschland/Fotos: Lukas Schramm