15 innovative projects selected to combat COVID-19

Following the "StartupsVsCovid19" call for projects launched in April, 15 innovative solutions proposed by startups to combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis have been selected.
They will receive financial support of up to €150,000 granted by the Ministry of the Economy. Launched by the Ministry of the Economy, in collaboration with Luxinnovation, the "StartupsVsCovid19" call for projects aims at encouraging young innovative companies to propose the development of technology-based innovative products and services intended to limit, or even overcome, the economic, health and societal effects of the crisis linked to the COVID-19 pandemic.
By 30 April, the closing date of the call for projects, more than 300 startups had responded. A pre-selection of 29 applications was made and hearings were held at the beginning of May by a jury composed of representatives of the Ministry of the Economy, Luxinnovation, Technoport, Luxembourg-City Incubator, the House of Startups and the Luxembourg house of financial technology (LHoFT). "I am absolutely delighted about the large number and high quality of the projects submitted," said Minister of the Economy Franz Fayot. "It proves that our startup community is full of talent and is able to demonstrate outstanding innovation."
The 15 selected projects (see list in annex) will now be supported by financial support of up to €150,000 granted by the Ministry of the Economy. "The responsiveness and creativity of startups in proposing innovative solutions in the current context is a sign of a mature ecosystem that fully fulfils its role as a driver of innovation for our economy, but also our society and our healthcare system" Sasha Baillie, CEO of Luxinnovation, confirmed.
The owners of projects that are not selected can still benefit from support from Luxinnovation and the other partners of the startup ecosystem.