Economic blog

Devastating floods in the Greater Region, forest fires in the south of Europe, and record temperatures.... An accumulation of extreme weather events in Europe and around the world has dominated the news this summer. The conclusions of 230 experts from 60 countries that make up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are therefore not surprising: they show with an unprecedented degree of certainty and precision that the climate is changing more quickly than expected. This sixth assessment report, ‘Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis’, published in August although drafting began in 2017-2018, warns that the critical threshold of 1.5°C (compared to the pre-industrial era) will have already been passed by around 2030. That is, ten years earlier than predicted in 2013. To keep warming below 2°C until 2030 and delay, or at least limit, the increasingly damaging and recurring effects of global warming, scientists are sounding the alarm and calling on the international community to act without delay.
Read the full post on: https://www.carlothelenblog.lu/2021/09/20/climate-transition-saying-yes-to-ambitious-and-realistic-targets-and-no-to-economic-decline/