Considering the current health context, the House of Entrepreneurship continues to welcome project leaders or established directors at its info desks in Kirchberg, Esch/Alzette and Mondorf-les-Bains for quick and personalized consultations on the fundamentals of business creation, the verification of an application for a business permit or the services of the Chamber of Commerce. However, booking a slot via the interface https://www.houseofentrepreneurship.lu/en/guichets/ is compulsory.
The House of Entrepreneurship team also remains available to entrepreneurs via its helplines and does everything possible to offer digital meetings to its clients. To book a telephone interview or a videoconference, entrepreneurs can submit their request via the dedicated contact form: https://www.houseofentrepreneurship.lu/en/you-have-a-project-contact-us/
Contact us for more information about the programmes and services offered by the Chamber of Commerce's House of Entrepreneurship and its partners: