EU-TRIBE Annual Event

Chambres de Commerce - Grande Région Saar-Lor-Lux
Chambre de Commerce
Karin Schintgen, Corinne Cahen - Minister of Family and Integration and the Greater Region, Philippe Linster, Teona Khubutia

On December 9, the House of Startups hosted the EU-TRIBE Annual Event, bringing together incubators from the Greater Region.  Around a panel of inspiring guest speakers sparking insightful conversations, they shared best practices from counterpart structures and reinforced the network.

One of the highlights of the event was the presentation of the Govtech Lab by the Ministry for Digitalisation, represented by Vera Soares and Luis Carvalho.

To end the year in style, EU-TRIBE members had the opportunity to engage in an open dialogue with Corinne Cahen, the Minister of Family and Integration & the Greater Region, who did us the honour to be present for the closing word of the event. Madame Cahen reaffirmed her constant support to the EU-TRIBE initiative and her interest in learning more about the challenges of the startup ecosystem of the Greater Region.