Public consultation

The review of the European Union's trade and investment policy initiated by the European Commission has two objectives: to assess how this policy can contribute to a rapid and sustainable socio-economic recovery, and how it can help build a stronger Union based on a model of ‘Open Strategic Autonomy’, while providing protection from unfair practices. This review will help determine the direction of the Union's trade and investment policy in the years to come.
In order to gather the views of all stakeholders, the European Commission is launching a public consultation, which includes 13 questions, in English and French, as indicated in the annexed note.
The Chamber of Commerce invites Luxembourg businesses interested in participating in this public consultation to send their responses by 15 September 2020 at the latest to trade-policy-review-2020@ec.europa.eu. Businesses may limit their contributions to themes/issues that are relevant and important to them, and not necessarily submit a response to all 13 questions.