The Chamber of Commerce informs that the distribution of protective masks to businesses, announced on Friday 17 April 2020, will take place on the following dates and according to the following procedures:
- companies with 50 or more employees will receive the masks by direct distribution on Monday 20 or Tuesday 21 April. For these two days, companies are requested to organize a presence at their offices to receive the packages distributed by Post Luxembourg.
- companies with fewer than 50 employees will receive a letter from the Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS) on Monday 20 or Tuesday 21 April informing them of the number of masks made available to them. The masks will be given to the companies against presentation of the original letter from the CCSS to a post office.
Each company will receive 5 protective masks per employee.
The provision of masks free of charge, organised jointly by the Government, the CCSS, Post Luxembourg and the Chamber of Commerce, will make it possible to equip some 60,000 companies in all sectors of activity (except the craft sector). Representing three quarters of the national workforce, these 60,000 companies will receive some 2 million masks.
Companies can contact the helpline (+352) 42 39 39 - 445 of the Chamber of Commerce or by e-mail at covid19@houseofentrepreneurship.lu for any questions. Further information on the aid measures can be found on the website www.cc.lu/covid19/.
As a reminder, the protective measures provided for in the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 17 April 2020 stipulate that "the wearing of a mask or any other device to cover the nose and mouth of a person is compulsory in all circumstances on public transport and for activities that welcome the public. Wearing is compulsory for activities and services authorized in accordance with Articles 1, 2 and 4 if an interpersonal distance of two meters cannot be respected, unless there is a more restrictive sectoral provision. This obligation shall not apply between persons living together provided that they do not come into contact with third parties. »