The call for research projects addressing current and future challenges of COVID-19 launched by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) is now open to public-private partnerships involving companies and research institutions. The participation of companies will be co-funded by the Ministry of the Economy. Luxinnovation will advise companies on their participation and provide support to the proposal evaluation process.
In order to provide a coordinated response to the coronavirus pandemic, the Luxembourg research community has set up a COVID-19 Task Force involving the country’s major research institutions. As part of the Task Force’s activities, the FNR has launched a rapid call to provide initial (co-)funding to short-term research project as well as to the initial phase of long-term initiatives targeting COVID-19. Funding is allocated through a fast-track mechanism that makes it possible to support urgent research projects requiring an immediate start.
Luxinnovation, the national innovation agency, is in charge of mobilising and coordinating private partner initiatives related to the COVID-19 Task Force’s activities, and has worked together with the FNR to open the call for proposals to public-private partnerships. Private companies and public research organisations can now submit common research project proposals. The proposals will go through a joint evaluation process involving both the FNR and the Ministry of the Economy, with additional support from Luxinnovation. The public research partners of approved projects will receive funding from the FNR, and private companies from the Ministry of the Economy.
The next deadline for submitting project proposals is 11 May 2020. In order to be eligible, project ideas must be published on the Research Luxembourg COVID-19 platform (https://lux-covid19.lu/) by 29 April 2020, 14:00 (CET). Further details about the call are available on the FNR website (https://www.fnr.lu/fundinginstruments/covid-19).
Companies interested in participating in the call for proposals are invited to contact Luxinnovation, whose experts in health technologies and research funding will advise on the call guidelines and provide guidance for finding suitable public research partners.
Communicated by : Luxinnovation / Ministry of the Economy