International Relations

On the occasion of a seminar held in Seoul on July 16, 2019 during the economic mission to South Korea, Luxembourg presented itself as a centre of excellence for all management, analysis and highly secure hosting of data as well as distribution of digital content, in particular thanks to its excellent connectivity on both national and international level.
Topics discussed during the seminar included cybersecurity in the context of Luxembourg’s datadriven innovation strategy for the emergence of a sustainable and trustworthy data economy, as well as the implementation in Luxembourg of a high performance supercomputer at the service of companies and research. The impact of digitalisation on logistics and supply chains was also on the agenda. During the seminar, LuxTrust, a leading Digital Trust Services Provider in Luxembourg, and Cambridge Blockchain, a pioneer in digital identity enterprise software, announced the beta-testing phase of the privacy-protecting European identity platform IDKEEP. The platform provides end-users with full control over personal data and over sharing such data with services online.
Organised by the Ministry of the Economy, Luxinnovation, the Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg and the "Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office" (LTIO) in Seoul, the seminar also allowed the Luxembourg business delegation to establish contacts with the nearly 200 representatives of Korean companies who attended the event.
In his speech, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy, Étienne Schneider said: "In recent years, the Republic of Korea and Luxembourg have evolved towards a high-tech economy. Mutual exchanges with a state-of-the-art country such as South Korea help Luxembourg to consolidate its position as a precursor in digital innovation in Europe."
The director of the Chamber of Commerce, Carlo Thelen, stated: "Luxembourg has learned the importance of cultivating the spirit of collaboration and cooperation, for the benefit of all our citizens and to create an innovative and open Luxembourg of today. It is also thanks to this spirit that we have contributed to the development of the European Union. We can proudly say that Luxembourg represents, on a small scale, the best of Europe. In this sense, our country is also a true European laboratory and a gateway to Europe as a whole. "
Press release by the Ministry of Economy