Covid-19 - initiatives of the Chamber of Commerce

As the free delivery of antigen self-tests to businesses in the Horeca sector - organized by the Government, the Chamber of Commerce and the Horesca to support the gradual opening of restaurants and the safe return of customers - started today, the Chamber of Commerce has just published a guide for the use of self-tests in companies. The guide is aimed at companies in all sectors wishing to make self-tests or rapid tests available to their employees working in the field. It is also intended for companies in the hospitality sector to support them in the practical implementation of the tests with customers. The deployment of self-tests in companies is a step towards a return to more normality in the socio-economic and professional life. Indeed, self-tests should contribute to the early detection of contamination chains while preventing infection of other employees and people outside the company.
The guide is available in English, French and German and can be downloaded free of charge from the Chamber of Commerce website. It has been compiled in close consultation with the authorities and contains general information that is currently available and in line with current regulations. The guide will be regularly updated.