Smart & e-Mobility Day

Smart mobility, electric cars, charging, infrastructure, e-bikes, apps, …, just some topics that were on Wednesday’ programme at the Chamber of Commerce during the Netherlands-Luxembourg Smart & e-Mobility Day.
Organised by the Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in close collaboration with Luxinnovation and Luxmobility, the event included various presentations about Smart & e-Mobility in the Netherlands and in Luxembourg as well as short pitches of Luxembourg companies that have developed solutions in this field. Moreover, several companies gave “live” product demonstrations both inside and outside the Chamber of Commerce. Almost 130 participants registered for the event and took part in the animated debates.
The event was honoured by the presence of H. E. Mr François Bausch, Minister for Mobility and Public Works, who stated that Luxembourg wants to be a “Mobility Lab” where everyone - institutions, companies as well as individuals - should contribute, not only to delivering solutions but also to changing the way of thinking in general.
In their welcome words, both Jeannot Erpelding, Director of International Affairs of the Chamber of Commerce, and H. E. Mr Han-Maurits Schaapveld, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Luxembourg, underlined the fact that, although Luxembourg and the Netherlands are almost neighbouring countries, amongst companies there is still a lack of awareness about their respective economies and the available opportunities. An event such as the “Netherlands-Luxembourg Smart & e-Mobility Day” is the ideal occasion to bring companies and institutions together in order to know each other, to exchange ideas and to start collaborations.
The presentations and pitches showed not only that both countries encounter mobility problems on a daily basis, but also that many innovative solutions have already been developed. During the whole day, the lobby of the Chamber’s conference centre and the outside exhibition area were buzzing with innovative product demonstrations, where electric bikes and scooters could be tested and new electrical cars were presented to the interested public. Amongst the Luxembourg and Dutch companies that took part in the product demonstrations were: Cube4T8, EV Box, IEE, IMS, Leaseplan, Luxmobility, Mileswap, Moovee, Swiftmiler, Tiller, UfoDrive, Ujet and Webtaxi.
Conference speakers included representatives of organisations such as ANWB, ACL, SmartwayZ.NL, Formule e-Team, Luxinnovation and the Chamber of Commerce as well as businessmen and -women from large corporates and SMEs, such as Shell, Chargy, e-Violin, Fastned and Luxmobility. Innovative solutions were pitched during an “In the spotlight” session by Flex, LeasePlan, Moovee, UfoDrive and Ujet.
The team of the International Affairs of the Chamber of Commerce attaches a great importance to the relations with its neighbouring countries, including with the Netherlands. These markets are very important for Luxembourg companies, as they are on our doorstep and still offer many unexplored collaboration possibilities. Therefore, events with nearby countries will remain important on the Chamber’s programme in the future.
For more information:
Chamber of Commerce, International Affairs
Niels Dickens - Phone: +352 42 39 371 - netherlands@cc.lu