International Affairs

A bilateral business success
On June 10, 2021, the Chamber of Commerce organized the 13th edition of the “Taiwan-Luxembourg Joint Business Council Meeting”, in close collaboration with the Taiwanese partner Chinese International Economic Cooperation Association (CIECA) and with the support of the Ministry of the Economy and the Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office (LTIO) in Taipei.
Taiwan-Luxembourg Joint Business Council (TLJBC) is an annual bilateral business meeting between entrepreneurs from Taiwan and Luxembourg. It’s a platform for the Taiwanese and Luxembourgish companies to further strengthen existing business contacts and/or to explore new opportunities in the fields of trade, investment and research cooperation between Taiwan and Luxembourg.
Due to the current pandemic, the 13th edition of the TLJBC was postponed to June 10, 2021 and was organized via Cisco Webex. This year, we focused on two sectors: “Smart mobility” and “Fintech and cybersecurity”.
Afterwards, virtual B2B meetings were organized between Taiwanese and Luxembourgish companies at their request, thanks to the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).
Nearly 35 Luxembourgers and over 68 Taiwanese attended the meeting. Among them, 8 companies from Taiwan and 6 from Luxembourg were interested in meeting their potential business partners.
At the opening ceremony, two new Chairmen, one from each side, kicked off the event: Mr. Robert Goeres, Chairman, Taiwan-Luxembourg Economic Cooperation Committee, Goeres Horlogerie, Member of the International Committee at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Tung, Chao-Chin, Chairman, Taiwan-Luxembourg Economic Cooperation Committee, CIECA, Taiwan; Director of the Board, CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd..
Mrs. Cindy Tereba, Director of International Affairs, Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce; Mrs. Tania Berchem, Executive Director, Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office (LTIO) in Taipei; Mr. Tsai, Ming-Yen, Representative, Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium and Ms. Amelia W. J. Day, Secretary General of the Bureau of Foreign Trade gave their greetings.
After the opening, two sessions were organized with the keynote speeches by sector experts followed by the pitches of companies active in the “Smart mobility” and “Fintech and cybersecurity” sectors.
If you missed the webinar, you can watch the full recording here:
Please find enclosed the list of Taiwanese companies registered to the B2B Matchmakings. Interested companies are invited to contact the International team for further information.
The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce remains at your disposal for any further information Contact person: Na Shi – Tel.: +352 42 39 39 364 – email: asia(at)cc.lu