Launch of the JobSwitch platform

The House of Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce, based on an idea developed by the Luxembourg Trade Confederation (clc) and in partnership with the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of the Economy and ADEM, is launching a platform to connect businesses in need of manpower with people who are on unemployment, partially unemployed, or self-employed and looking for work.
The JobSwitch platform is a tool specially designed to facilitate the implementation of solidarity behaviour during the current crisis. It aims to facilitate and accelerate the use of available manpower during the crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The impact of the pandemic differs from one sector to another. While some businesses, including most shops, construction companies and the hospitality sector, to name but a few, are being forced to close their establishments or drastically reduce their activity, others, particularly grocery stores and the logistics sector, are overwhelmed by demand, while at the same time facing personnel difficulties linked to quarantine measures or the need to provide childcare.
JobSwitch provides a response to these situations by making it possible, easily and quickly, to lend personnel between companies and for the unemployed, partially unemployed or self-employed,who are potentially interested in this scheme in order to supplement their income, to submit applications. It is therefore a winning initiative for those companies and staff who will seize this opportunity and thus enable the operation of services that are essential to society, such as the transport of essential goods and the supply of grocery stores.
More information:
- www.jobswitch.lu
- jobswitch@cc.lu