On the 11th of October 2021, the Cluster for Logistics Luxembourg hosted the 5th edition of the Lean & Green Awards at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and presented the Lean & Green Awards 2021 in presence of Mr Claude Turmes, Minister of Energy and Spatial Planning. At this year’s Lean & Green Awards 2021, 4 companies were awarded for their efforts and achievements regarding the re-duction of CO2 emissions generated from transport and logistics activities.
Of these 4 companies, 2 have decided to join the Lean & Green initiative in Luxembourg in 2021. In particular, De Verband, a cooperative active in the agricultural sector, and Sales-Lentz, a major pas-senger transport company in the field of urban transport and mobility, have set up audited and eligible action plans that provide both companies the framework to reduce their CO2 emissions from transport and logistics activities by at least 20% within the coming 5 years. For the commitment of joining the program and developing individual action plans to allow to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, both companies were awarded the Lean & Green Label.
Besides these 2 companies, 2 other companies, Luxport Group, a logistics and transport company from the port of Mertert, and Transalliance, an international road transport company located in Bettem-bourg-Dudelange, have managed to demonstrate a 20% reduction of their transport-related CO2 emis-sions compared to 2015. For these achievements both companies have received the 1st Lean & Green Star in Luxembourg.
The Lean & Green program is a sustainable logistics initiative which is offered by the Cluster for Logis-tics Luxembourg, in collaboration with the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works, since 2014 in Luxem-bourg. Over the past 7 years, the Cluster for Logistics Luxembourg has already supported 13 transport and logistics companies their sustainability efforts. The Lean & Green initiative envisions to induce companies from the logistics and transportations sector to implement a set of self-defined optimiza-tion measures in order to reduce their CO2 emissions linked to transportation activities by at least 20%.
By taking a closer look at their logistics activities and rethinking their current business processes, the companies participating at the program are able to identify potential for savings and optimization, and thus to make the best use of their resources by saving costs (Lean) and reducing CO2 emissions (Green).
In 2021, 9 of the 13 participants have already demonstrated tangible achievement of the targets. Of these 9 companies, the following 8 have received the 1st Lean & Green Star, which means that they have been able to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 20%: Arthur Welter Transports, CFL mul-timodal, LuxairCARGO, lux-Airport, Luxport Group, Offergeld Logistik, Post Luxembourg and Trans-alliance. In addition, one company in Luxembourg, namely Biogros Sàrl, has received the 2nd Lean & Green Star, meaning that they have been able to demonstrate a reduction in CO2 emissions of 30%. In a joint partnership with the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works, the Cluster for Logistics is constantly trying to convince new companies to join the Lean & Green initiative so that they can make their con-tribution to the EU Green Deal (-55% in CO2 emissions until 2030). Currently, the following companies are participating in the Lean & Green program in order to supplement the measures they have defined to achieve their climate targets: De Verband, GN Transport, Sales-Lentz and Webtaxi.
If your company also offers, purchases or employs logistics activities, your company can join the sus-tainability initiative too! The program offers a unique opportunity to address sustainability issues in logistics at an early stage by defining your own carbon footprint and implementing measures which enable the reduction of both, the operating costs and the impact on the environment. If you are keen to learn more about the Lean & Green program don’t hesitate to contact our Lean & Green responsible Mr. Philippe Scholten at philippe.scholten@c4l.lu (Tel. + 352 42 39 39 848). Additional information material can be found under: www.c4l.lu/lean-green