Affaires Internationales

On October 13th, 2021, the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce hosted the “Go International: China” webinar in close collaboration with the Ministry of the Economy and the Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office (LTIO) in Shanghai. The live event has completed a series of 12 Go International webinars, aimed at promoting the nine Luxembourg Trade and Investment Offices (LTIO) throughout the world (Tokyo, Seoul, Shanghai, Taipei, New York, San Francisco, Tel Aviv, Abu Dhabi and Casablanca), as well as the 4 Economic and Commercial Attachés of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce based in Berlin, Paris/Marseille, Brussels, and London. This network of offices set up by the Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy and the Chamber of Commerce provides its services and introduces business opportunities to all Luxembourg companies in their respective markets.
The webinar was kicked off by the Minister of the Economy, Mr. Franz Fayot, and Mrs. Cindy Tereba, International Affairs Director at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce. Minister Fayot highly praised the long-lasting friendship between the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the People’s Republic of China, while Mrs Tereba highlighted the mutual support during the crisis and enhanced the solid trade partnership. The Executive Director of the Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office in Shanghai, Mr. Vincent Hieff, gave an overview of the Chinese economy, its opportunities, and its challenges, before his colleague, Mrs. Karine Gao, Trade Officer at the LTIO in Shanghai, explained how the LTIO can help Luxembourg companies to set up and further develop their business in China.
These speeches were followed by a testimonial given by Valerio Fang, General Manager of Cebi China. The Steinsel-based automotive component productor started to explore Shanghai in 2005. Mr. Fang shared with the audience the success story in China.
In the last session entitled ‘New International Trade after COVID’, two companies took the virtual stage to share their market expertise with the focus on “E-commerce in China: China digital landscape and the latest e-commerce trends” by Kevin van Gerven, Co-Founder of Weast International, as well as ‘Marketing skills of doing E-commerce in China’ by Joey Huo, JD worldwide Business Development BD manager.
A Q&A session then closed the webinar.
In the framework of this series of webinars, companies can request here a video-consultation meeting with market experts from the Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office and the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.
Please also check out webinars to update and help companies leverage available support initiatives.
Visit www.odl.lu, the one-stop shop for the promotion of exports and financial incentives, to efficiently promote your products and services abroad.
Watch the full webinar hereunder if you missed it:
Go International China - October 2021 from Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce on Vimeo.