Down the Road - Logistics and China’s One Belt One Road Initiative

Tuesday 7 Mar 2017

Conférence / séminaire

Tuesday 7 Mar 2017

5.00 to 8.00 pm

Chambre de Commerce

The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and China-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (ChinaLux) in close cooperation with the Luxembourg Cluster for Logistics are delighted to invite you to the second co-hosted event series on China's One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative: Down the Road - Logistics and China’s One Belt One Road Initiative. The event will be enhanced by the presence of HE François Bausch, Minister for Sustainable Development and Infrastructure.

Throughout the course of the event series, we endeavour to introduce and explore opportunities for Luxembourg under the OBOR initiative – an intercontinental trade and infrastructure project focused on forging new economic corridors between China and Eurasia. 

Down the Road - Logistics and China’s One Belt One Road Initiative will take a “deep-dive” into the opportunities and experiences in the China-Luxembourg logistics sectors in relation to the OBOR initiative. What new strategies and markets might arise, what does the initiative mean for the forging of new partnerships, and is it a threat to existing projects in Luxembourg, or complementary?

See the program enclosed.

Join us on the 7th of March when we tackle these questions, and more!

Interested companies are kindly requested to register online, no later than March 3rd, 2017. Participation to this event is free of charge. For further information about this upcoming event, feel free to contact the International Affairs team (Contact persons: Shi Na/Violaine Mathurin  - T: (+352) 42 39 39-364/481 – or Chinalux Team (Contact: Sandy Wong/Sophie Smith - T: (+352) 621 188 143 -


Full Event Series: Throughout the course of the One Belt One Road (OBOR) event series, ChinaLux and the Chamber of Commerce will endeavor to introduce and explore the opportunities for Luxembourg under the OBOR initiative, with events to follow the launch highlighting opportunities and experiences in the Luxembourg logistics, ICT and finance sectors. To hear about the upcoming events, please sign-up to the ChinaLux mailing list (, and watch the ChinaLux and Chamber of Commerce events announcements for more details.