Are you a young executive? Are you interested in the Japanese market?

YES Programme

Young Executive Stay (YES) Program and you 
You are a young executive working for a small or medium-sized company in Belgium or Luxembourg. Your company is interested in the Japanese market. You do not want to be just one of the participants in a trade mission, but rather prefer to have a personalized hands-on program, which gives you direct contact with your potential customers and partners in Japan.

The YES program aims to train young executives from Belgium and Luxembourg in successful Japanese business practices, at reasonable costs, and in a short amount of time. For this purpose, in 2018, the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Japan (BLCCJ), the Belgium-Japan Association & Chamber of Commerce in Belgium (BJA) and the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce will organize a one-week training program in Japan, beginning with two briefing sessions in Belgium. The training in Japan will begin with a panel discussion with businesspeople in Japan, followed by introducing each participant to potential customers in her/his business area.

When does the YES program take place?
The one-week training program in Japan will take place 7-14 October 2018. The students from Japan will visit the participants and their company in Belgium end of August-beginning of September 2018 for one day.
Intensive preparatory briefing sessions will be held for the selected YES participants in Belgium in June and September 2018 (exact dates tbc), with speakers and experts on various topics concerning export to Japan and the Japanese business culture. Exact dates will be informed in due time.  

Financial contribution from each participant
The YES program is at reasonable cost to your company. The organizers will bear most of the direct costs of your trip to Japan, including your economy class airplane ticket, accommodation during the whole program, organization of seminars, Japanese language lessons, a reception where you can invite potential business contacts, Japanese language lessons, and the visit of the student to your company.

A token fee of 2,500 EUR to partially cover expenses should be paid to the BLCCJ upon confirmation of selection (foreseen end May 2018). This fee is non-reimbursable. Please note that other costs such as your personal out-of-pocket expenses, including food, entertainment, professional interpreters and domestic travel are to be borne by the participant.

How to apply for the YES program?
For further information and to download the application forms, please refer to

Deadline for applications is Monday 16 April, 2018.


Coordinator for Japan:
The Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Japan (BLCCJ)
Ms. Sophie Bocklandt, General Manager or
T +81 (0)3 6457 8662
F +81 (0)3 6457 8663

Coordinator for Belgium:
The Belgium-Japan Association & Chamber of Commerce
Mrs. Anja Oto-Kellens
T +32 (0)2 644 13 33 
F +32 (0)2 644 23 60

Coordinators for Luxembourg:
The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce
Ms. Na Shi and Ms. Sabrina Aksil, International Affairs
T +(352) 42 39 39 364/374
F + (352) 42 39 39 822