As a cooperative and socially responsible bank, Banque Raiffeisen confirms its strong commitment by providing financial support to several Luxembourg associations.

13 January 2025 is an important date for Banque Raiffeisen and for a number of Luxembourg charities. It was on this day that the country’s leading cooperative bank offered its financial support to various Luxembourg charities, as it does every year.
The donations were officially made at the Bank’s registered office in Leudelange, in the presence of Laurent Zahles, Chairman of the Management Board, and Members of the Management Board Eric Peyer, Georges Heinrich and Sandrine De Vuyst.
By making these donations totalling € 30,000 in full respect of the cooperative values which are part of its DNA, Banque Raiffeisen is confirming its desire to play a tangible role in the country’s social and solidarity fabric, as well as its strong commitment to the charitable, social and humanitarian sectors.
Six charities benefit
As in previous years, Banque Raiffeisen has selected six Luxembourg charities to receive a donation of € 5,000 each.
The associations in question are:
- Trauerwee asbl: based in Tétange, this association provides support and guidance to children and young people affected by the death of a loved one. In practical terms, the association provides support for groups of bereaved children, young people and parents, guarantees individual support, provides numerous consultations and specialised trauma counselling, and offers a range of training courses;
- Fondation Lëtzebuerger Kannerduerf: with its head office in Mersch, this foundation offers reception, education, accommodation, defence, protection and support to children. It also helps and supports families, provides psychological support and helps with social integration;
- Stand Speak Rise Up !: since 2019, this association based in Colmar-Berg has been supporting survivors of sexual violence in sensitive areas. It also aims to raise awareness of the status and future of children born of wartime rape, and to support survivors in their reconstruction process;
- Philippines - Luxembourg Society asbl: based in Oetrange, this association was established to promote cultural exchanges between Luxembourg and the Philippines. It has three main objectives: humanitarian aid, a scholarship programme and aid for disadvantaged people, particularly young people and education. It also aims to renovate or build essential infrastructure and provides support in the event of natural disaster;
- Aide à l’Enfance de l’Inde et du Népal: based in the heart of the City of Luxembourg, this NGO favours partnerships and a holistic approach, mainly in India and Nepal. It helps marginalised local communities to become more self-sufficient, and aims to raise awareness of the interdependence between North and South;
- Fondation Autisme Luxembourg: from its head office in Capellen, this foundation has been working for over 25 years to defend and promote the rights of people with autism in Luxembourg. It works in collaboration with the public services and other partners in the voluntary sector to promote the social inclusion of these people, who often live on the margins of society.
Proximity and diversity
Once again this year, Banque Raiffeisen has selected associations and foundations renowned for their commitment, dedication and dynamism, but also for the diversity of their objectives. All of them, however, aim to offer effective support to people in distress, which the Bank fully supports.
Customer members, key players in supporting associations
True to its cooperative values, Banque Raiffeisen involves its customer members in this solidarity-based approach. They collect loyalty points through their interactions with the Bank: the more they work with Raiffeisen, the more points they accumulate. These points can be exchanged in a variety of ways, including paying card fees, accumulating savings for their children or, at the end of the year, making a donation to one of the associations supported by the Bank. This unique system strengthens customer commitment while creating a positive impact for the beneficiary associations.