
The Ministry of the Economy, in collaboration with Luxinnovation, is launching a call for projects for young innovative companies under the name "StartupsVsCovid19".
Start-ups are invited to submit projects relating to the development of innovative, technological products or services intended to limit, or even overcome, the economic, health and societal effects of the crisis linked to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Project proposals can be submitted from 20 April until 30 April 2020 via the website https://www.startupluxembourg.com/startups-vs-covid19, where all information needed to participate in the call for projects is available. A jury, made up of representatives from the Ministry of the Economy, Luxinnovation, Technoport, Luxembourg-City Incubator, the House of Startups and the LHoFT, will preselect projects on 7 May.
The final selection will be made after hearings of the preselected start-ups by video conference on 14 May. The selected projects will be announced around mid-May and must be executed within the presented budget.
The initiative is an additional measure taken under the COVID-19 national stabilisation programme and is aimed at supporting the Luxembourg start-up ecosystem in particular. Up to 20 projects will be selected, which each will benefit from financial support up to €150,000.
A first instalment of 75% will be released as soon as the selection has been made official. The remaining 25% will be paid after the project has been finalised.
Communicated by : Ministry of the Economy / Luxinnovation