In accordance with the guidelines of the Governing Council aimed at establishing a deconfinement strategy taking into account the imperatives of public health and the economic aspects related to the current confinement, masks will be distributed to all companies in the country.
The free distribution of protective masks to Luxembourg companies will be organised in the coming days jointly by the Government, the Chamber of Commerce and other partners, on the basis of five masks per employee.
The physical distribution of the masks will take place via the Post Luxembourg network in accordance with the following arrangements:
- Companies with 50 or more employees will receive the masks by direct distribution (by mail) as soon as possible,
- Companies with fewer than 50 employees will receive a letter in the next few days from the Centre Commun de la Sécurité Sociale (CCSS) informing them of the number of masks made available to them. The masks will be given to the companies by presentation of the original CCSS mail to the post office (or collection point) indicated in the mail.
Companies are invited not to solicit the helplines of the Government and the Chamber of Commerce for details on the delivery of their quota of masks. The services concerned are currently working hand in hand to ensure the fastest possible delivery.