
As part of the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic and the expansion of the opening of the Horeca sector, the Government, the Chamber of Commerce and the Horesca are joining forces to provide a first COVID-19 antigenic self-testing kit free of charge to the operators of establishments in the Horeca sector in order to facilitate the safe return of customers.
Delivery of the free kits is scheduled from Monday, May 10 to Wednesday, May 12, 2021 and will take place during business hours (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.). Affected businesses are asked to ensure a presence to receive their delivery. Business groups will receive one kit per separate legal entity.
In accordance with the strategy for the detection and control of the virus and in compliance with the "COVID Law", the new version of which is expected to come into force on May 16[1], customers wishing to consume inside an establishment of the hotel and catering sector will have to ensure a negative test before ordering, in the form of a negative PCR test of less than 72 hours, a negative rapid antigenic test[2] of less than 24 hours or a negative antigenic self-test carried out on the spot. Clients waiting for test results inside the facility are required to wear a mask. If the client's result is positive, he/she is asked to leave the premises, to self-isolate, to inform his/her close contacts and to report his/her result on www.covidtracing.public.lu.
Once the free sets have been used up, companies will have to purchase their own antigenic self-tests. A list of recommended self-tests can be found at https://covid19.public.lu/dam-assets/covid-19/documents/depistage/Liste-autotests.pdf.
This joint approach by the Government, the Chamber of Commerce and the Horesca is intended to guarantee the health safety of customers and employees in the sector and to avoid situations that could lead to the transmission of the virus.
For further information, the Chamber of Commerce refers to its hotline Covid19 dedicated to the distribution of antigenic self-tests. (tel: 42 39 39 - 700, open from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.) e-Mail: covid19@houseofentrepreneurship.lu).
[1] Subject to vote by the Chamber of Deputies
[2] This test must be performed by an authorized person. Info under : www.covid-test-ag.lu