How to set up a business in Luxembourg: 8 fact sheets that sum up the key steps in creating a business

Business creation


As a one-stop shop that welcomes and informs companies and project developers, the House of Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce has just published, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Economy and Luxinnovation, a brochure that includes 8 fact sheets on creating a company in Luxembourg.

Addressing entrepreneurs and foreign and national investors, the brochure, ‘How to set up a business in Luxembourg – Factsheets’, explains in a clear way, step by step, the main administrative and organisational procedures for setting up business in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The publication also gives an overview of the most important procedures and regulations and provides useful information and contacts to (future) entrepreneurs.

Each of the 8 fact sheets represents a key step in getting established as an entrepreneur in Luxembourg, starting with the authorisation permit, the choice of legal form, immigration issues, financing and possible aid, taxation, social security, searching for premises, as well as a descriptive summary of the educational system.

Downloadable here and on the website, the publication is available in English and in ten other languages.