Born in Israel in 1948, Today Keter is an international company and market leader in Europe and beyond, specialising in the production and sale of plastic household products for home and leisure. In 2005, Keter absorbed Curver, another market leader, to expand into Europe.
(Visited 10 December 2021)
For over 70 years, Keter has been inspiring people to create amazing spaces in their homes and gardens with innovative, high-quality products. Keter is focused on consumer trends and continuously leans towards increased sustainable manufacturing techniques by ensuring that innovative design and production capabilities remain at the forefront of its global activity. Entwining sustainability and innovation, the group has produced more than 100 everyday sustainable product innovations in the past year, offering consumers a way to minimise their personal environmental footprint. Today, Keter is the innovative global leader in resin based lifestyle solutions for in and around the home. Based in Luxembourg since 1994, Keter currently employs 300 people on its site in Niederkorn/Differdange, and 5,000 worldwide. Interview with Véronique Renzi, HR Director of Keter Luxembourg.
What projects are you currently working on?
At Keter, we believe that commitment to sustainability will define the future for product creation, and so we have committed to achieving a set of design and manufacturing ambitions for sustainable development before 2025. We have also made sure to take note of any emerging consumer trends that will help drive our company and create a more sustainable future. So, we have identified three core pillars as the guiding measures for our sustainability pledge: Better Products for Better Places - deliver affordable, innovative lifestyle solutions with recycled content and recyclable designs. We are already ahead of our 2025 target with zero production of single-use plastic consumer products and on track to achieve 55 % of recycled content in total production (with 40% already achieved). Better Planet – we have pledged to implement operational efficiencies and environmentally positive actions through the supply chain, including a 25 % reduction in greenhouse gas emissions – a 4% reduction has been achieved so far. Also, sending zero waste to landfill, which is also currently on track with only 23% sent to landfills in 2020, as opposed to 25% in 2019. Better Business – we want to deliver business and social value via ethical conduct and com-munity investment, including more women in executive and management roles and an improved wellbeing programme.
What accomplishments are you particularly proud of?
In 2020, 40% of items produced used recycled materials and 99.9% of consumer products were 100% recyclable. Fulfilling the Better Planet pledge, we can underpin our carbon neutral product ambitions. We are also focusing on consumer trends, pivoting towards increased sustainable manufacturing techniques by ensuring innovative design and production capabilities remain at the forefront of our global activity. Looking ahead, we are committed to ensuring we lead the industry when it comes to the design, creation, and delivery of sustainable lifetime product solutions that meet the emerging behaviours and buying trends of consumers across the globe. We believe that sustainability will come to define how future products will be created and used. We have stringent targets such as a pledge to double the use of recycled materials across our operations by 2028. Meeting this target will mean 80% of all materials used to create Keter’s extensive product range will be derived from a recycled source. Also, the Keter Innovation Centre will utilise cutting-edge materials and new technologies to inspire our ongoing new product development programmes for the years ahead.
When was the last time you had a doubt?
Every day we face challenges coming from the market and environs and of course we can have doubts. But we are very optimistic and our confidence starts from each member of our teams. Thinking about all the people around the world who are part of the Keter Group, we know that we can step forward with strength, together, as one Keter, and that we will keep focused and keep fighting to achieve our goals!
What is it for you to have an entrepreneurial spirit?
Entrepreneurship is part of our DNA. We take initiative and act on opportunities. We use influence and find ways to overcome obstacles that get in the way of reaching goals. We are passionate, optimistic and never give up.
What impact has the COVID crisis had on your business and what do you think the Chamber of Commerce can do to support you?
When the pandemic began, we immediately stopped manufacturing. However, the demand for our products soon increased as many people were using the crisis as an opportunity to update, organise and transform their home and gardens. We then looked at how we could start up again and continue safely and meet the demand. The pandemic also caused a big shift in consumer behaviour and heightened people’s concerns around the climate crisis, bringing the environmental footprint of the products and services they buy into sharp focus. People want to have sustainable products designed to be reused or recycled. We are continually responding to emerging consumer trends and have seen a strong swing towards a preference for more sustainable lifetime products in the home space environment. We are facing a shortage in some of our businesses and some other jobs are under strain.We want to prepare ourselves for the future and develop our own resources. Continuous training and apprenticeship are two ways to achieve this. We currently have two apprentices in logistics. The Chamber of Commerce can help us by providing us a training and educational offer that fully meets our needs and does not overlook the technical professions. This is the way we will go one step further for the future of the site.
TEXT Keter Luxembourg / Corinne Briault PHOTOS Laurent Antonelli / Agence Blitz