Could your company be Europe’s best supply chain communicator or the most aware retailer on SVHCs in articles?
The LIFE project AskREACH is giving awards to the most motivated companies in terms of substances in articles (SiA) communications along the supply chain or towards their clients. Apply for the AskREACH company awards before May 31st 2022 here. Details of your application will only be visible to the award jury.
You can apply for an award as either: 1. Most SVHC aware retailer, or 2. Best supply chain communicator. More details on eligibility criteria as well as the terms and conditions can be found through this link.
Apply now for the AskREACH company awards and show consumers that you care! On top of the award, the winning companies will gain visibility on the various platforms of the project partners throughout Europe!
More information are available on AskREACH webpage.