Training policy

The Chamber of Commerce commits to offering quality training Every year the Chamber of Commerce holds its July plenary assembly in a high school. This year, it was held on 2 July in the technical high school Lycée Technique de Bonnevoie (LTB). The Chamber of Commerce also took this opportunity to invite the press to a conference to present its training policy and reveal new developments.
The Chamber of Commerce has always advocated in favour of training that takes into account the needs of the economy and the demands of the working world, all while encouraging young people to develop autonomous and responsible behaviour, and even entrepreneurial spirit and capabilities. To build awareness about the realities of the world of economics and businesses, the Chamber of Commerce regularly conducts workshops in school-business relations.
The same morning of the press conference, two of these workshops were organised, with a total of 80 students from LTB in attendance. During these workshops, the entrepreneur Klot Kieffer, founder and director of Hype, a digital marketing agency, shared first-hand accounts of his experiences.
During the press conference, Mr Luc Frieden, President of the Chamber of Commerce, reviewed the objectives that the Chamber of Commerce has set to support training: contribute to developing a culture of professional training; act in terms of legislation; identify training needs; monitor trends and new training techniques; manage apprenticeship contracts and offer professional continuing education. The Chamber of Commerce's Strategic Plan CC2025 for the next five years aims to solidify these objectives and to improve visibility of the training projects made available to the public. The recent conference series therefore aims to present the trainings developed in partnership with prestigious international training institutions. The Chamber of Commerce would also like to develop new tools for promoting alternate apprenticeships, following a study that will be launched by several professional associations. Similarly, Luc Frieden announced that the increase in information on professional training needs would be improved, thanks to better coordination with professional federations and associations.
Favouring access to employment and professional reorientation
Following this introduction aimed at highlighting the strategy and priorities of the Chamber of Commerce in terms of training, Valerie Massin, Vice President of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Vice President of the Training Commission, went over the projects aimed at promoting entrepreneurship and supporting professional reorientation in more detail. Aside from the previously mentioned workshops for students, the Chamber of Commerce offers a format for teachers to help them discover diverse economic sectors: Teachers Meet Businesses.
Concerning projects in favour of access to employment or professional reorientation, the Chamber of Commerce focuses on young people with programmes like Fit4jobstart, developed with Adem, which consists in supporting young people trying to enter the job market by defining a professional project and establishing a personalised path to reach their objective (153 participants since July 2017); and the programme Fit4DigitalFuture, which introduces candidates to certain tools that are indispensable in the context of digital transformation (47 participants since July 2017). Other programmes are for job seekers. For example, SkillYouUp supports those reorienting their career path (134 participants since January 2018); Fit4Entrepreneurship supports job seekers who have an entrepreneurial project and which is responsible for creating 94 businesses. And the Chamber of Commerce is participating in a new project for the Greater Region, DigiMob Industrie 4.0, which aims to train job seekers in the transversal skills necessary for workers specialised in Industry 4.0.
Developments for 2019/2020
After choosing some key figures to demonstrate an overview of the different training groups of the Chamber of Commerce: initial professional training (2,000 apprenticeship contracts handled); continuing education certified by House of Training (more than 23,000 individual enrolments in 2018); and continuing education with diploma by ISEC (Institut Supérieur de l'Économie) (74 students enrolled); Luc Henzig, Director of Training at the Chamber of Commerce, announced the latest and upcoming developments.
The new structure of the training programme, which was announced last year and is now fully operational, consists of four categories (entrepreneurial training and for directors of businesses, training for transversal activities within businesses, sectoral training, and personal development), and 19 fields. The training programme is offered on the basis of either professional profile or by topic. This structure gives context and perspective for a training path for everyone. The idea is to first clearly identify the skills (knowledge, aptitudes, attitudes) necessary to carry out a certain profession in order to then offer personalised training to acquire those necessary skills.
Another recent development is in the digitisation of both training and the administrative tasks that accompany it.
The Chamber of Commerce therefore launched the LOOC, Luxembourg Open Online Courses, e-learning platform developed in partnership with FUN-Mooc (France Université Numérique), which offers white label hosting for any e-learning continuing education offered by Luxembourg entities.
Furthermore, the House of Training website was entirely rebuilt in order to facilitate the search function for users searching any number of the 800 training offers available. To simplify the work of HR teams in businesses, the Chamber of Commerce also developed the Corporate Vocational Training Portal, a tool that facilitates personal development plans for employees, as well as managing the administration of training for HR personnel.
In order to offer a complete training programme, the Chamber of Commerce expanded its continuing education with diploma programmes by signing several partnership agreements with renowned international institutions (France and Germany) to create a truly multi-university campus that is already offering one Bachelor's and five Master's degrees. For more information: www.cc.lu, www.houseoftraining.lu, www.isec.lu et www.winwin.lu