The Chamber of Commerce position paper

On Monday 21 June, the Ministry of the Economy presented the ‘Ons Wirtschaft vu muer’ roadmap for a competitive and sustainable economy in 2025. In agreement with the analysis underlying the main priorities of this roadmap, in particular the digital, environmental and energy transitions, notably via the circular economy, the Chamber of Commerce welcomes the ambition of the action plan presented by the Ministry of the Economy and is committed to its future success. However, it questions the method used to define it and calls for strong involvement of economic stakeholders in the next stages of the implementation of this roadmap. It should, moreover, be the natural and coherent continuation of the measures undertaken in the framework of the Third Industrial Revolution, which it is important to reactivate.
In July 2020, the Chamber of Commerce presented its own ideas for recovery providing a favourable framework for the development of businesses and helping shape the future economy of Luxembourg. It welcomes the presence, in the roadmap of the Ministry of the Economy, of certain proposals made by the Chamber of Commerce.
The Luxembourg economy can look to the future with optimism if it gives itself the means to succeed in the digital and circular transitions, and to strengthen its health sector, thanks to future socio-economic development, while maintaining the foundations of its competitiveness. This will require giving this ambitious roadmap the means for success, both financial and through the method used, as well as through cooperation between public and private stakeholders at national, European and international levels.
Please read the complete position paper below