Celebrate women's entrepreneurial spirit! Encounter of established & aspiring female entrepreneurs

Donnerstag 3 Mai 2018

Conférence / séminaire

Donnerstag 3 Mai 2018

7, rue du Marché-aux-Herbes, L–2920 Luxembourg

The Representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg
The Enterprise Europe Network

have the pleasure of inviting you to

Celebrate women's entrepreneurial spirit!
Encounter of established & aspiring female entrepreneurs

on 3 May 2018, 18h00–20h00,
at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, 7, rue Alcide de Gasperi, Luxembourg-Kirchberg


  • Welcome by Ms Yuriko Backes, Head of Representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg
  • The economic rationale for Gender Equality – an issue for the Luxembourg economy. Introductory words by Ms Sasha Bailie, Deputy chief of cabinet of the Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy
  • Femmes pionnières de l'entrepreneuriat au Luxembourg, presented by Ms Joëlle Letsch, Co-founder of ADT-Center & Member of the Conseil National des Femmes du Luxembourg (CNFL)
  • Challenges faced by female entrepreneurs, presented by Ms Larissa Best, President of Luxembourg Business Angel Network, and co-founder of the think tank Equilibre
  • Support of female entrepreneurs by BGL BNP Paribas, presented by Mr Carlo Thill, Chairman of the Management Board of BGL BNP Paribas
  • EU's support for women entrepreneurs, including start-ups, presented by Ms Estelle Bacconnier, DG GROW, European Commission
  • Informal discussion
  • Closing remarks by Ms Sabrina Sagramola, Manager, Enterprise Europe Network of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce


The event will be followed by a networking cocktail

Presentations will be held in French and English

Registration before 27th April 2018
to the email address: comm-rep-lux@ec.europa.eu or by telephone: +352 4301 34925