European Maritime Day in Luxembourg Conference and networking cocktail

Dienstag 3 Mai 2016

Conférence / séminaire

Dienstag 3 Mai 2016

Utopolis Kirchberg 45 Avenue John F. Ke nnedy 1855 Luxembourg

Conference presented by Dr. Pierre Gallego, Chairman of Odyssea, Luxembourg marine biologists’ association

17.15 - 17.30 : Registration of the participants

17.30 - 17.35 : Welcome address by Mr. Henri Prijot, Partner at Deloitte

17.35 - 17.55 : “Blue Growth in landlocked regions and countries” by Mr. Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

17.55 - 18.10 : “Luxembourg action at 2015 United Nations Climate Change
Conference (COP 21)”
by Mrs. Carole Dieschbourg, Luxembourg Minister for the Environment

18.10 - 19.10 : “Vanishing Seas: Too Big to Fail?” by Mr. David Doubilet, Underwater photographer, National Geographic Magazine

19.10 - 19.15 : Concluding remarks by Mr. Freddy Bracke, Chairman of the Luxembourg Maritime Cluster

19.15 - 20.15 : Cocktail reception

In order to register, please send an e-mail to



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