Online Workshop: Get insights with Google Analytics

Mittwoch 18 Mai 2022


Mittwoch 18 Mai 2022

11:30 - 12:45



What will you learn?

In this workshop the trainer will show you an active Google Analytics account and show various visualisations of data to help you find answers to very practical data questions. You will get handy tips & tricks and we will show you the importance of a good dashboard

Who is it for?

B2B and B2C companies, which want to get insight on their marketing strategy via Google Analytics

Key Objectives:

  1. Discover the 4 basic reports in Google Analytics
  2. Discover different visualisations of data
  3. Know how to do a segmentation

About the workshop:

Join this online and interactive workshop free of charge and grow your digital marketing knowledge and skills with our topic of the day! A “Questions & Answers” Session will be held at the end of the presentation.


A program developed by the House of Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Google.


House of Entrepreneurship

14, rue Erasme, L-1468 Luxembourg


Tél : ( +352 ) 42 39 39 - 840


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