My Pledge, supported by Equilibre

My Pledge is an initiative aimed at ensuring more diversity at public events in line with the recent #NoWomenNoPanel initiative.

The Pledge
I solemnly pledge to only attend, finance and/or make a public appearance at events with the following criteria.

Gender Diversity on panels, as keynote speakers or expertsIf I am asked to speak at, finance or attend an event, I will follow these steps:

  • I will ask about gender diversity at the conference and how the organiser ensures such a diversity
  • I will propose at least one viable alternative to myself which will fit the subject if the organiser cannot ensure gender diversity according to the "Sponsor 3" initiative
  • As an ambassador to the program, I will highlight events without gender diversity
  • I will help my fellow pledgers to find suitable candidates for speaking engagements and endorse young talented, lesser known speakers and subject matter experts
  • I am outspoken about the benefits of more gender diversity at public events

Equilibre will support pledgers by
Maintaining a database of alternate speakers and subject matter experts
Working with organisers to ensure gender diversity
Proposing free public speaking courses for subject matter experts and young talent through the “Sponsor 3” initiative

Your contribution
To ensure the continuity of MyPledge, Equilibre encourages donations to enable the growth of future speakers. Adhering to the programme is however free of charge.
