The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, in close cooperation with the Ministry of State and the Embassy of Luxembourg in Dublin, will organise an official trade mission to Dublin from 12-14 June 2023.
The official mission will be headed by Prime Minister Xavier Bettel as well as Yuriko Backes, Minister of Finance, alongside a commercial delegation led by Carlo Thelen, CEO of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.
The programme will include:
• A series of industry-focused meetings;
• Parallel visits of the Port of Dublin and a data economy flagship project;
• A Business Forum in Dublin;
• An official networking reception on the occasion of the first National Day Reception of Luxembourg in Dublin.
The mission will provide a unique opportunity for companies to explore potential business partnerships with Irish counterparts in these areas: Data Economy & Cybersecurity, Maritime & Logistics.
Ireland and Luxembourg have a strong and friendly relationship, characterised by close political and economic ties. Both countries are members of the European Union and share a commitment to the ideals of the EU, including free trade, open economies, and the rule of law. Business opportunities for Luxembourg companies on the Emerald Isle are plentiful.
When? 12-14 June 2023
Where? Dublin, Ireland
Why? Check out the most important facts about Ireland here.
Interested? Registrations are officially closed.
This event is organised by the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg in Dublin.
Please contact:
Mr. Steven Koener
Senior Advisor, International Affairs
T. +352 42 39 39 37
Mr. Christophe Brighi
Advisor, International Affairs
T. +352 621 51 63 00