Exploring business opportunities between Luxembourg and Brazil

Go International
De g.à d. : Mr David Goebbels, Deputy Director, Directorate for Foreign Trade and Investment Promotion, Luxembourg Foreign Ministry; Mr Carlo Thelen, CEO, Chamber of Commerce; H.E. Mr João Mendes Pereira, Ambassador of Brazil to Luxembourg; H.E. Ms Béatrice Kirsch, Ambassador of Luxembourg in Brasilia; Ms Cindy Tereba, Director International Affairs, Chamber of Commerce; Mr Leandro Alves da Silva, Head of Trade Promotion Section, Embassy of Brazil; Mr Pierre Emile Reuter, Honorary Consul of Luxembourg in Sao Paulo (© C.Petit/Chamber of Commerce)

On the occasion of the presence of a Brazilian delegation to the World Company Award in Luxembourg, the Chamber of Commerce organised a country seminar dedicated to exploring business opportunities in Brazil on the 20th of September 2024.

This event was held in light of the growing economic relationship between both countries, as exemplified by the upcoming trade mission to Brazil that was announced by Ms Cindy Tereba, Director of International Affairs at the Chamber of Commerce, in her opening remarks. Her Excellency Ms. Béatrice Kirsch, Luxembourg Ambassador to Brazil, and His Excellency Mr. João Mendes Pereira, Brazilian Ambassador to Luxembourg, both welcomed this announcement and expressed their support to fostering durable business partnerships between both countries.

Brazil's business potential was at the forefront of the discussions. As such, Mr. Leandro Alves da Silva, Head of Trade Promotion at the Embassy of Brazil in Brussels, provided valuable insights on the current economic landscape, including emerging trends and opportunities for international collaboration. His presentation was illustrated by the testimonials of two Luxembourgish companies, IE Corp Engineering and Aperam, which presented their activities in Brazil and their experience working in both countries.

The audience was reminded that Luxembourg offers a plethora of services to facilitate business expansion on foreign markets. In this regard, Ms Mélanie Bugnon, Communication officer at LuxDev, provided insights on unlocking financing opportunities via the Business Partnership Facility.

The seminar smoothly transitioned to a networking lunch and B2B meetings during which a first touchpoint between Luxembourgish and Brazilian companies was made, marking a first milestone before the trade mission in spring.

Ms Cindy Tereba, Director International Affairs, Chamber of Commerce (© C.Petit/Chamber of Commerce)
H.E. Ms Béatrice Kirsch, Ambassador of Luxembourg in Brasilia (© C.Petit/Chamber of Commerce)
H.E. Mr João Mendes Pereira, Ambassador of Brazil to Luxembourg (© C.Petit/Chamber of Commerce)